Friday, September 14, 2012

apartment crafting night

I am happy to announce that my third roommate, Annie, has fallen in love with card-making! This is a big deal because while Rachel and I have always obsessed over crafting, Annie would usually admit she had little interest. But one weekend she mysteriously returned from home with a newfound passion for making cards! Welcome to the crafting world, Annie!

Since, then we've had a couple of apartment crafting nights (yes, I know we are like grandmas).

Here are a couple of Annie's awesome cards:

Last weekend, our friend Rosanna visited and joined us for a crafting night. I gave her a mini sewing lesson and we made matching shoe bags, since we both have med school interviews coming up.

Pretty AND practical! perfect for keeping our heels from getting stuff dirty. It was also a perfect beginner's project because it is very straight-forward. If you need a tutorial, this one is great:

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