Friday, June 8, 2012

K-12 Outreach: Designing Surgical Devices

Topic: Biomedical Engineering

Grades: 3-8

Summary: Design your own surgical tools out of everyday items. Use them to "operate" on your patient - a box filled with objects surrounded by dominoes. Try to pick up the objects without knocking over any dominoes! Use the engineering design process throughout.

What worked well: This is a great activity because even though the end goal is the same, every kid's device was unique. There is SO much room for creativity when designing these! This was also a good activity for reinforcing the design process, because if a kid's device did not work, they could easily make adjustments and try again.

What didn't work well: It was difficult to get the dominoes to stand up. They often fell over without us even trying to use our inventions yet! This was probably because we used small, cheap wooden dominoes. This might be remedied by using larger, heavier dominoes. 

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